Lesson plan for teaching secondary school students about double-blind trials

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  • Format Lessons
  • Language/s English
  • Target Audience Schools
  • EBM Stage 0 - Why EBM?
  • Duration >15 mins
  • Difficulty Introductory

Key Concepts addressed


Centre of the Cell have produced a lesson plan for teaching secondary school students about double-blind trials.

This lesson plan provides the resources you need to run stimulating activities about fair tests of treatments in a classroom setting.

‘Double Blind Trials Workshop’ developed for young people by the Centre of the Cell. The activities demonstrate how double blind trials are run, explaining what a placebo is and how the placebo effect works, how bias is removed as far as possible and how participants and trial medicines are randomised.

Activity 1: Placebo Effect Activity
Activity 2: Observer Bias
Activity 3: Double Blind Trial

Students act out the various roles of participants in a double-blind trial to test a new sunscreen:

  • One student is a Scientist from the pharmaceutical company which developed the sunscreen
  • One student is the Pharmacist who dispenses the cream, labelled so that no one else knows which cream is which
  • One student is the Nurse, who applies the cream to volunteers
  • One student is the Trial Manager, who randomises the treatments
  • Four students are Volunteers

You can download a PDF of all the resources for free.

About the Centre of the Cell

Centre of the Cell is a science education centre based at Queen Mary, University of London. The website contains many biology educational resources for all levels of attainment.


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