Ben Goldacre talks about Bad Pharma on C-SPAN

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  • Format Videos
  • Language/s English
  • Target Audience Self-directed learning
  • EBM Stage 0 - Why EBM?, 3 - Appraising evidence
  • Duration >15 mins
  • Difficulty Advanced

Key Concepts addressed


In this 90-minute videoed lecture, Ben Goldacre talks about the problems with generating and disseminating evidence about the effectiveness of treatments.

The talk was recorded at Seattle Town Hall, USA on 18th Feburary 2013. The video is hosted on the C-SPAN website and includes a partial transcript.

His topics include:

  1. missing trial data:  it is estimated that about half of the trials that have been completed have not been published, and that trials with a positive result in favour of a new treatment are about twice as likely to be published as trials that do not have a positive result.
  2. structural problems with randomized trials that might prevent them from being fair tests of treatments.
  3. marketing of drugs to doctors.

View the full video.


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