Behind the Headlines

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Behind the Headlines is an NHS service that checks the evidence behind news stories.  It can be a useful resource for students and teachers to illustrate why we need to critically appraise the claims people make about health care interventions.

  • Format Websites
  • Language/s English
  • Target Audience Self-directed learning
  • EBM Stage 0 - Why EBM?, 3 - Appraising evidence
  • Duration 5-15 mins
  • Difficulty Introductory, Intermediate

Key Concepts addressed


The Behind the Headlines service is intended for both the public and health professionals, and endeavours to:

  • explain the facts behind the headlines and give a better understanding of the science that makes the news,
  • provide an authoritative resource for GPs that they can rely on when talking to patients, and
  • become a trusted resource for journalists and others involved in the dissemination of health news.

The website also contains useful tools for patients and members of the public:

  • Clinical trials and medical research: clinical trials explained, including how to take part in one and why medical research is important
  • Ask the doctor:  Make the most of your doctor’s appointment by finding out in advance what questions to ask
  • NHS Atlas of Risk:  Compare cause of death and health risks based on age, sex and where you live (England)


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