Qualitative research
Finding and appraising qualitative evidence
This resource from the Health Foundation shows, with voice, text and video, how shared decision-making can be made to work in a typical consultation.
Both patients and professionals will benefit from taking five minutes to watch this video. It is also supplemented by a collection of resources that provide more detail on the implementation and evaluation of programmes in shared decision-making.
Shared decision making from The Health Foundation on Vimeo.
The video deals with MAGIC, or ‘making good decisions in collaboration’, the Health Foundation‘s training and development programme to implement and evaluate shared decision-making in clinical practice.
According to the website, MAGIC is about coming up with practical solutions that can be applied across different areas of practice and creating a culture where shared decision-making can thrive.
As well as the five-minute video, the website includes details of the programme rationale, how and where it has been implemented, information about evaluation, case studies and a library of background reading.
The case studies include real-life examples in:
The Health Foundation is “an independent charity working to improve the quality of healthcare in the UK”. Much of their work focuses on patient safety and patient-centred care.
The Foundation is funded from an endowment received in 1998 from the sale of the PPP Healthcare Medical Trust.