We do things because…

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  • Format Audio, Texts
  • Target Audience Self-directed learning
  • Duration <5 mins
  • Difficulty Introductory

Key Concepts addressed


‘We [doctors] do things, because other doctors do so and we don’t want to be different, so we do so; or because we were taught so [by teachers, fellows and residents (junior doctors)]; or because we were forced [by teachers, administrators, regulators, guideline developers] to do so, and think that we must do so; or because patient wants so, and we think we should do so; or because of more incentives [unnecessary tests (especially by procedure oriented physicians) and visits], we think we should do so; or because of the fear [by the legal system, audits] we feel that we should do so [so-called ‘covering oneself’]; or because we need some time [to let nature take its course], so we do so; finally and more commonly, that we have to do something [justification] and we fail to apply common sense, so we do so.’

Parmar MS. We do things because (rapid response). BMJ. Posted 1 March 2004 at www.bmj.com.

Read more in:  Intensive treatments for breast cancer.


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