Suggest a learning resource

If you know of a good teaching resource for EBHC, please use this form to tell us about it. If you are unsure what we are looking for, please consult the Help section. If it meets our inclusion criteria, we’ll add it to the Database.

  • About you

  • About the resource

  • Categorisation

    Select the category/ies that apply to the learning resource:
  • (click on the list to expand)
  • (click on list to expand)
  • Description of the resource

  • Please provide a summary of the resource in no more than 140 characters (including spaces), discussing the source and the topic to which it refers.
  • Please provide a more detailed description of the resource – a minimum of 300 words if possible (potentially with examples from the resource).
  • Document uploads

    For security reasons we can't accept uploads on this form, but if you tick the box above, we will contact you by email to arrange safe transfer of the files.
  • About the evaluation of the resource

  • Has the resource been evaluated by the methods that fulfil the inclusion criteria?
  • If ‘yes’, please provide a reference (and URL if possible below) to the report(s) detailing the evaluation:
  • Please give an overview of the evaluation that we can use on the website to help people understand the results:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.